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Laura Payne

Holiday Hustle Without the Hassle: Tips to Stay Merry, Not Stressed

The holidays are coming, which means joy, cheer, and… wait, why is everyone stressed? Between the endless to-do lists and family gatherings, it can feel like you’re trying to juggle while riding a unicycle. Don’t worry, we’ve got some stress-busting tips that’ll help you keep your cool (and avoid wrapping yourself in tinsel).

  • Plan Ahead: Make a list and check it twice. We’re not saying you have to be Santa, but a little planning can save you from last-minute panic-shopping at 11 PM.

  • Set Boundaries: Your wallet should survive the holidays, too. Setting a budget will help you avoid that post-holiday “What did I just do?” moment.

  • Take Time for Self-Care: No, self-care doesn’t mean finishing a whole box of chocolates in one sitting (we’ve tried). Go for a walk, meditate, or watch a holiday movie that doesn’t involve family drama.

This year, make the holidays a time of joy, not stress. With a little planning and a lot of laughs, you can make it through the season without needing a holiday from your holiday.

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